Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.
Albert Einstein

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Forum ICT

             In my opinion, the issues and challenges in integrating ICT (Information and communication technology) in our Malaysia school is because we have less number of teachers that knows how to use ICT (knowledgeable on ICT). Many teachers that taught in School, not all of them is truly knows about technology in education. For example how to use computer, LCD, white smart board, hardware and suitable CD-ROM in their learning and teaching. These technologies need an information and experience to handle it. I think to produce the student that are literal IT, the teachers must first be literal IT and must advance in technology than their students. This is to make sure their learning and teaching (P&P) work smoothly and attractive for the students to follow. So here, if the teacher is lack in ICT, how school can produce a thinking and technology-literate workforce? The training on ICT is more focuses to students than teacher even teacher need more knowledge on ICT than students. Even, if the training is given to the teachers, it is not effective because some teacher not practice it. This is about the initiative that teacher have, no initiative on ICT so, no knowledge they get. Others, is weather the information that teacher give is correct or not (means that maybe still in traditional school walls). The teachers not use the fully facilities of ICT that have in school, and still teaching like the old environment (not use ICT). If the teacher give the correct information how to use ICT in their learning, the students is able to explore their studies at all the time even when the school is not in session because now the ICT accessible is everywhere. ICT must use in two ways, where teacher need responds from the student. But student in school usually not give respond back to their teacher about ICT. So, how the effective teaching and learning on ICT can work because ICT not only technology but the teaching and learning process too. 

         Second issues and challenges in integrating ICT in our Malaysian school is due to the negative perspective from some people in our country especially parent of student that saying using ICT is useless and attribute to change of lifestyle and discipline problem such as rape. Nowadays, the issues about student involved in illegal gambling on computer and search on dirty web is correlated to the ICT learning at school. The people at the outside fully judge this problem happen especially that involved criminal technology on their children is caused by learning ICT at school. This negative perspective on ICT maybe will stop the effort of Ministry of Education to increase the literal IT among students. This also will be the challenges for our country at the future to produce workers that good in technology. Another negative perspective on ICT is when the student learnt ICT, their lifestyle will change. If the past time, this student play indoor games like football or badminton in their free time but now they will choose to play games on computer or  Play station  to spend their free time. They only focus in technology and not thinking about the other thing. The teacher also feel they do not have a privacy in their life because student can know about their background, where they live, what they interested and who are their friend only when the students searching their name on their social networks like Facebook, Twitter or Myspace.  I think this not the objective Ministry of Education introduced ICT at school.